Ray Rides To The Rescue

The ‘B team travelled to Crewe ‘D’ on Tuesday evening for the top of the table Division 2 match. A blunder by Steve E on board 4 gave Crewe an early lead but Sean pulled things back with a great win on board 2. Steve H then lost his first game of the season on board 1, leaving us needing a win from Ray on board 3 to rescue something from the match. He was the exchange up in a very tricky Rook v Bishop endgame. However, with a Queenside pawn majority he gave the exchange back and his opponent was unable to stop him promoting one of his Pawns. Huge sighs of relief to come away from the match with a 2-2 draw. We remain in 2nd place, still a point behind Crewe ‘D’, but with everything still to play for. Click here for the match score card - https://ecflms.org.uk/lms/league_fixture/190108