Tuesday Night Double For Fenton

It was a great night for the Club last night, with the 'B' team winning their Division 2 match at Crewe 'C' by 3-1, and the 'D' team winning their opening Division 4 fixture at home against Crewe 'H' by 2.5 - 1.5.

The 'B' team got their first win of the season, following a draw in their opening match. Petru looked to be winning his game on board 1, but unexplicably blundered and we found ourselves 1-0 down. However, wins on boards 2, 3 and 4 from new boys Steve, Sean and Evan saw us over the line. Click here for the match score card - https://ecflms.org.uk/lms/node/190010.

The 'D' team were also up against another Crewe team in Division 4 and ran out winners by 2.5 - 1.5, with a draw from Derek on board 1 and wins for Chris and Ian on boards 3 and 4. Click here for the match score card - https://ecflms.org.uk/lms/node/190005.

All in all, it has been a very satisfactory start to the new season, with 4 wins and a draw from our opening 5 matches. The 'A' have their first Division 1 match of the season on Friday, whewn we are away against Cheddleton 'A', in what should be a tough match.