Fenton Return To Top Of South Cheshire Shield

We were briefly ousted by Crewe 'B' after Tuesday evening's results, but returned to the top of the South Cheshire Shield table with a 3.5 - 0.5 win at Newcastle last night. We now have a 100% record after 3 matches.

We were helped last night by Newcastle defaulting on board 4, so we were 1-0 ahead without a Pawn being pushed. Mycle then put us into an early 2-0 lead with a terrific win on board 1 against an opponent rated 261 points higher. Phil then ground his opponent down on board 3 for a straightforward win, putting us 3-0 up and guaranteed to win the match. It was a war of attrition on board 2, with the game going down to the last few minutes before a draw was agreed. It looked for all the world that Lea was hopelessly lost, but his opponent failed to find the right continuation after winning a Pawn. Lea plugged on and, against the odds, managed to exchange Queens, win his Pawn back and get into a drawn endgame. A great result against an opponent rated 253 points higher.

Click here to view the full match score card -  https://ecflms.org.uk/lms/node/141740. Next up is a home match against Alsager on Tuesday 18th July.