'B' Team Beaten Again

The 'B' team travelled to top of the table Crewe 'C' last night and found themselves on the wrong end of a 3-1 score line. Ray Hyde dropped out through illness on the day of the match and, with nobody else available, we had to draft in a junior player, William Felton, for his first ever league match. Not surprisingly, the rating difference of over 500 points was impossible to overcome and the inevitable loss followed. Dylan was the exchange up going into the endgame on board 3, but lost whilst in time trouble. Chris pulled us back into it with yet another excellent win on board 1, leaving us needing a win from Jay on board 2 to level the match. Unfortunately, he was unable to oblige, losing on time. Click here - https://ecflms.org.uk/lms/node/117639 - for the full match score card.