'B' Team Narrowly Beaten Again

The 'B' team were narrowly beaten by top of the table Crewe 'A' in Division 2 last night. A disastrous start saw Petru blunder away a piece on board 1 to give Crewe an early lead. Glyn restored parity with a good win on board 2 but we then fell behind again when Grenville squandered a good position to lose on board 5. Max's game on board 4 always looked level and the inevitable draw followed. I was the last to finish on board 3 and, after playing 75% of the game a pawn down, both myself and my opponent were down to 90 seconds on the clock when he blundered his pawn advantage away to put us level on material. With the seconds drifting away we agreed a draw, only realising afterwards that I had missed a mate !! This would have given us a draw but, in the event, Crewe came away with a 3-2 win. Click here for the match score card