'A' Team Go Clear At Top Of Division 2

The 'A' team have gone 2 points clear at the top of Division 2 following a hard fought match against Holmes Chapel Rooks in which all 5 games were very keenly contested. Grenville got us off to a good start with a win on board 5 before Holmes Chapel levelled the match with a win on board 2. Petru had a difficult game on board 1 and looked to be in an inferior position for much of the game before securing a draw. Kasian played his usual buccaneering game on board 3 to put us back in the lead before I finished things off with a win on board 4. Click here for the match score card. Next up for the 'A' team is an away fixture at Cheddleton 'C' on the 23rd March. With only 4 matches remaining we need to hold our nerve, with a tough match against Crewe 'A' following the match at Cheddleton 'C, plus a re-arranged match against Cheddleton 'D' to be arranged. So the destination of the title could all come down to our last match of the season against 2nd placed Cheddleton 'B' on the 16th April.