Geoff Yates

I've just had the following email from Geoff's daughter Georgina :

Hello Steve, 

I'm emailing you on behalf on my mum, Norma Yates (Geoff's wife). She's not so great with technology and so asked me to reply to your letter. 

She wanted to say how grateful she was for the donation, your thoughts and the idea to re-name the trophy. As you know, Geoff loved playing chess and we were so glad that he managed to keep on playing for so long, despite his health. He'd be very honoured to have the trophy named after him, I'm sure, and to know that he was well thought of. 

We miss him lots and still can't quite believe he's not with us anymore. He fought for so many years and in the end it all came very quickly. 

Again, we just wanted to express our gratitude to you and all of Geoff's chess friends. 

Kind regards
Georgina and Norma