Rapidplay Disaster

I'd like to report that we covered ourselves in glory at last night's Rapidplay Jamboree. Unfortunately we didn't !!!!  We started well enough, with Kasian winning his match on board 2 for the 'A' team. However, Ray, Glyn and myself all finished second, leaving us with 1/4 after the first round. The 'B' team went pretty much the same way. Andy Barker of Alsager was guesting for us and got us off to a winning start but, unfortunately, Mike, Robert and Chris weren't able to add to the score. So the 'B' team also finished the first round on 1/4.

The second round was no better for the 'A' team, with Glyn winning and the rest of us disgracing ourselves, to finish joint second from bottom on 2/8, just ahead of Cheddleton 'Z' on 1.5. Stafford also finished on 2/8 but at least they had the excuse of only having 2 players !! It was much better for the 'B' team, with wins for Robert and Chris and a draw from Andy, leaving them on a total of 3.5/8. Maybe we should have called the 'B' team Alsager, with three guest players from Fenton !!

Cheddleton won the Open Section and there was a tie between Cheddleton and Newcastle in the U130 Section. 

Full details of all the results can be found here.