Mixed Fortunes On Monday Evening

It was a night of mixed fortunes for the club on Monday evening. The 'C' team travelled up the road to Meir 'B' in Division 4 and came away empty handed after a 3-1 loss. Kasian got the team off to a fine start with a win on board 1, in which he tells me that he only used 3 minutes on his clock !! Unfortunately the rest of the team weren't able to reproduce the same form. Click here to view the match score card.

The 'D' team entertained Newcastle 'F', although Newcastle probably didn't find it that entertaining as they were beaten 3.5 - 0.5 !! There were wins for Derek, Ernie and John on boards 2,3 and 4. The last game to finish, and it was an excellent game, saw the in-form Glyn Valentine held to a draw on board 1, bringing his winning streak to an end. This result puts the 'D' team 3 points clear at the top of Division 5. Click here to view the match score card.