'A' Team Draw Level At Top Of Division 3

It was a point dropped in a 2 - 2 draw against Stafford last night. However, Meir 'A' were beaten at home by Newcastle 'C' so we are now joint top of Division 3. Crewe Bishops are just 2 points behind us and with a match in hand, which they play on Wednesday. A win would see them draw level with ourselves and Meir at the top of the table. And don't rule out Newcastle 'C', whose win at Meir last night has put them back in the mix. We only have 3 matches left to play so we need a strong finish. A win in our next match at Cheddleton 'F' on Friday could see us go top on our own, although Meir are also playing at Cheddleton 'G' on the same evening so anything could happen. It was a tough match last night, with Stafford fielding a team that really ought to be challenging for the title. Draws from Rob and Ernie on boards 1 and 4, and a loss for me on board 2 left all eyes on Kas on board 3. He turned down the offer of a draw and played a fantastic endgame to save the day for us. Click here to view the full score card from last night's match.

There was also one 3rd round Club Championship match played, with John and Stuart drawing.