Too Little Too Late

It was a great result for the 'A' team in our first match at the Longton Snooker Club on Tuesday evening, beating Holmes Chapel by 2.5 - 1.5. However, it was a caae of too little, too late, as we are still unable to catch Crewe 'A' at the top of the table.

We raced into an early 2-0 lead, with wins for Alex and Petru on boards 1 and 2, but were pegged back when Glyn lost on board 4. All eyes were then on Kas on board 3, who was 3 pawns down and looked to be heading for a loss. But in a wild and wonderful endgame, in which his opponent actually had a pawn on the 7th rank, Kas won a Knight and one of his opponent's Kingside pawns. With both players down to less than a minute on their clocks, and the pawn on the 7th unlikely to survive, a draw was agreed, giving us the match. Click here for the match score card -