'A' Team Still Pointless

The 'A' team entertained a very strong top of the table Cheddleton 'A' last night and, unsurprisingly, came off second best. Kas and Chris were heavily outgraded on the top two boards, by a total of 504 rating points, and were both comprehensively beaten. Things were a lot closer on the bottom two boards, where Ray drew and Steve won, to give the final score of 2.5 - 1.5 an air of respectability. Click here to view the match score card.

There are no more league matches now until mid January but I would like to see some more of the rapidplay games played next Monday on our last Club night of the year. Ray, Glyn and Petru are the bottlenecks and we need to get some more of their games played if we are to finish the competition before the end of January as planned.