Crewe Rapidplay Congress

Myself, Petru, Max and Glyn all played in this weekend's Crewe Rapidplay Congress with varying degrees of success, although none of us were required at the prizegiving !!

Petru was playing in the Open Section, where 6 players with FIDE ratings of over 2000 were in the field of 13. He did reasonably well in the morning, with 2 wins from his 3 games, but fell away in the afternoon with only one win from his 3 games. His score of 3/6 earned him 6th place.

Max ended the morning session with 1.5/3 but fell away badly in the afternoon with only one draw from his 3 games, leaving him on 2/6 and in joint 16th place.

Glyn won his opening 2 games in the Intermediate Section in the morning, but lost the 3rd against Karl Lockett, the eventual winner of the Section, so went into the afternoon session on 2/3. 2 wins from 3 games in the afternoon took him up to 4/6, just half a point away from the prize money, and into joint 6th place.

I started my morning session in the Intermediate Section disastrously, giving my Queen away in the first 2 games and a Knight in the 3rd, leaving me on 0/3 going into the afternoon session. The lunchtime beer appeared to revive me and I won all 3 of my games in the afternoon to finish on 3/6 and in joint 9th place.

Click here to view the full results.