Some Dates For Your Diary

It has been a bit of a rush over the past few seasons to get the Club Rapidplay Championship squeezed into one evening. I have, therefore, decided to spread it over 2 evenings this season, with Rounds 1/2/3 being played on Monday 13th August and Rounds 4/5/6, plus any Armageddon game, on Monday 20th August. The rate of play will be 20 minutes each on the clock, plus 10 seconds per move.

The South Potteries Chess Challenge Cup match against Meir will be on Monday 17th September. It is our turn to host it this year. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to provide a buffet as in previous seasons as the hotel does not allow us to bring our own food in.

The 2018 AGM will be held on Monday 24th September.

The Club Individual Championship will be held over June/July.