'A' Team Come Down To Earth With A Bump

The 'A' team's unbeaten run came to and last night when we were hammered 4-1 by the form team in the Division, Macclesfield. The evening started well with Petru getting an early win to put us 1-0 up, but then Glyn blundered a piece on board 2 to put the match level at 1-1. Max was a pawn up in his game on board 4 and looked to be heading for a win but the next time I looked he had been mated !! I was a pawn up in an endgame on board 3 and in a great position but then totally lost my way and allowed my opponent to penetrate my king side pawns with his King and it was game over. Grenville was a piece up on board 5 in what should have been a straightforward win, but then went and threw his Queen away. We now have a 2 week break before playing bottom of the table Holmes Chapel Rooks - a must win match. We are still top of the Division 2 table but have now used up one of our games in hand so we cannot afford any more slip ups. Click here for last night's match score card.