'A' Team Closing In At Top Of Division 2

A fantastic 3.5 - 1.5 win at table topping Cheddleton 'B' last night has taken us to within a point of the top spot in Division 2, and we still have 3 matches in hand of them. With 3rd placed Crewe 'A' suffering an unexpected loss against bottom of the table Cheddleton 'C', we have now put clear daylight between ourselves and the chasing pack, and we still have matches in hand of the teams below us. Draws for myself and Max on boards 3 and 4, plus a good win for Grenville on board 5 against highly rated youngster, Sam Parry, put us into the lead midway through the evening. Glyn then took a draw on board 2 to ensure that we got at least a point out of the match. However, the highlight of the evening was a stunning win for Petru on board 1 against 195 graded Dave Buxton, to give us the win we could only dream about at the start of the match. Click here to view the match score card.

The one disappointing aspect of the evening was both Grenville and Petru's mobile phones going off, although their opponents were sporting enough to ignore it. Both phones had been turned off before the start of the match, but turned themselves on when they were knocked in their pockets. They did not actually ring but beeped when turned on. We are going to have to insist, in future, that mobile phones are either left in your car or put in a bag and stored somewhere else in the room for the duration of the match. Mobile phones will NOT be permitted on your person whilst you are playing in a match. It is the responsibility of the Team Captain to ensure that this is adhered to.