Fenton Out Of Major Cup

We entertained Cheddleton in the 1st Round of the Major Cup last night. Cheddleton have traditionally been our bogey team in this competition and last night was no different. On paper it looked a very even match - in fact we slightly outgraded them. However, Glyn and Grenville's recent run of bad form continued and early defeats for both of them put us 2 - 0 down. I had a very even game on board 4 and a draw was agreed late in the evening, leaving us needing wins from Petru and Kasian, which would have given us the match on board count. Petru's 5th win in a row gave us some cause for optimism but Kasian found himself in an impossible situation, with a 5 pawn deficit in the endgame. So the final result was 3.5 - 1.5 to Cheddleton. Click here for the match score card.

Petru is currently in the lead in the Players Stats with 83.33% from his 6 matches.