'A' Team Lose But 'B' Team Topple The Leaders

The 'A' team started 2017 with a 2.5 - 1.5 loss against Alsager 'A', so any lingering hopes we might have had of winning the title have all but disappeared. There were draws for Rob, myself and Ernie on boards 1,2 and 4 but Mike, for reasons best known to himself, decided to leave his Queen en prise on board 3 whilst in a drawish looking position. So, not for the first time this season, one of our teams have thrown away a match. Click here for the full match score card.

The 'B' team did much better, beating league leaders, and previously unbeaten, Cheddleton 'E' by 2.5 - 1.5. There were wins for Glyn and Chris on boards 1 and 4, plus a draw on board 2 for Kasian. Stuart lost his first game of the season on board 3. We are still 4 points adrift of Cheddleton at the top of the table, and they have a match in hand, so we will be relying on other teams to take points off of them. It looks an unlikely scenario but hope springs eternal !! Click here for last night's match score card.