Dismal Monday

It was a dismal night at the club last night as both the 'A' and 'C' teams slumped to their first defeats of the season and missed the chance to go top of their respective divisions.

The 'A' team could have gone top of Division 3 with a win against league leaders Newcastle 'D'. However, a 2.5 - 1.5 defeat leaves us in 2nd position. A win for Kasian on board 2 and a draw from myself on board 3 were all we had to show for our efforts. Click here for the match score card.

The 'C' team could have gone joint top of Division 5 had they won last night. Unfortunately it was Crewe 'E' who went away with the points from a 3 - 1 win. We are still second in the table, 2 points behind Cheddleton 'G' but with a match in hand, so all is not lost. Our single point last night came from Edward Brian, making his first appearance of the season. Click here for the match score card.