Close But No Cigar

It was another close run thing for the 'A' team last night against Newcastle 'C' but, once again, we ended up on the losing side, this time going down by 3-2. Glyn got us off to a great start with a win on board 4, followed shortly afterwards by a draw on board 5 for Neal. The 3 top boards all looked to have at least equal positions, with Kas actually being 2 pawns up. However, my attack began to peter out on board 3 and, with both of us in time trouble, a draw was agreed. Kas was also in time trouble on board 2 and, despite being 2 pawns up, his pieces were badly placed and he succumbed under the pressure. Rob looked to be in a good position on board 1 and should surely have drawn but he went wrong somewhere and blundered it away. This result leaves us stuck at the bottom of the Division 2 table and we need to quickly reverse our fortunes in the New Year if we are to finish in a respectable position. Click here to view last night's match score card.