Proposed Change Of Name

It was proposed at the FTBC Management Committee Meeting on Monday that, as we are now an integral part of the club, with all of the benefits that this brings, we might consider changing our name to reflect this. We have benefited greatly from being part of the wider club and they have been extremely generous with the facilities that they have afforded us - not just in terms of the room but, also, in allowing us to play on extra nights when necessary, allowing us to hold NSDCA meetings there, playing the South Potteries Rapidplay Championship there on a Sunday, etc., etc. We should also remember that they switched their indoor bowls night to a Tuesday so that we could retain Monday as our club/match night.

Personally, I don't find their suggestion unreasonable. It wouldn't be the first time that the chess club has changed it's name - we were Foley Chess Club from 1994 to 2002, the Angel Chess Club from 2002 to 2004 until we became Fenton Chess Club in late 2004.

However it is the decision of the membership, not me, that will decide how we go forward. I would, therefore, like you all to express an opinion in the form of a Yes/No vote as to whether we change our name to Florence Chess Club or retain our Fenton name. I need to know your views as soon as possible, because if the majority opinion is that we change our name we need to do it before the start of the new season in order that I can notify the NSDCA, the ECF and anybody else that needs to know. In fact I would really like to know before we play Meir in the South Potteries Chess Challenge Cup on the 21st September.