Newcastle Rapidplay Jamboree

Well we didn't cover ourselves in glory at last night's Rapidplay Jamboree with both our Open and U130 teams finishing on less than 50%, although 2 wins on the night for Robert made him our star player.

The Open section was very strong and we didn't start too badly, with Ray and Kasian both winning, and Rob and I losing, to give us 2/4 after the first round. However, the second round didn't go so well with Rob and I both drawing, and Ray and Kasian losing, to give us 1/4 for the second round and an overall total of 3/8.

The U130 section started in a similar vein, with Robert winning, Neal and Mike drawing and Chris losing, to give us 2/4. The second round was less successful with Robert wining again and the others all losing, giving us an overall total of 3/8, the same as the Open team.

Both the Open and U130 Sections were won by Cheddleton teams.