Keith Arkell Simultaneous Display

The simultaneous display by GM Keith Arkell at the club on Monday evening was a resounding success. It's not often that a small Club such as Fenton can get such a prestigous Grandmaster for an event like this. Thanks must go to Ray Hyde for coming up with the idea in the first place and then actually getting Keith to agree to come along. Thanks also to Steven Walley for sponsoring the event, without him it wouldn't have happened, and to Stuart for getting the room set up for the evening and clearing away afterwards - he was actually at the club from 5:15 until about 12:45 !! - and for collecting all of the money. The Chess Club actually made a profit of just over £50 on the evening. The buffet was widely praised and for that we must thank Ray, Mike and my other half, Vanda. Finally, congratulation to all of those 28 players who took part, especially our own Glyn Valentine, who was one of only 4 players to get a draw against Keith. Ray has written a comprehensive report on the evening's events which you can click here to read. This also contains a link to photos taken on the night.

Our next event is the all day rapidplay tournament that we are organising on Sunday 28th June for the South Potteries Rapidplay Championship. We have 20 entries for this and I have stated that no more are being accepted. However, if there are any more Fenton players who would like to take part I'll try to squeeze you in so please let me know.