Tight At The Top Of Division 3

The 'A' team were held to a 2 - 2 draw by a resurgent Crewe Bishops team last night. There were hard fought draws on the top two boards. Rob was the exchange up on board 2 but eventually had to return it and shortly after agreed the draw. Ray had an even tougher match on board 1, where he was under pressure for much of the time and getting into time trouble. However, he won a pawn but had to settle for a draw after a repetition of moves. Subsequent analysis showed that he missed a winning move minutes earlier. Mike got an early win on board 3 but Ernie miscalculated in his game on board 4 and lost a piece and the inevitable loss followed. This result takes us to joint top of the table with Meir 'A' and with an equal number of matches played. However, Cheddleton 'F' are now looking very dangerous with 3 matches in hand and only 3 points behind. Click here to view the full score card from last night's match.

The 'D' team confirmed their position as this season's Division 5 wooden spoonists with a 2.5 - 1.5 loss at Meir 'D'. There was a good win for Chris Brian on board 3 and a draw for Steven on board 1. Click here to view the full match score card.