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Fenton 'B' Keeping Up The Pressure On Crewe
The 'B' team kept up the pressure on Crewe Pawns at the top of Division 4 with an easy 3.5 - 0.5 win against Cheddleton 'I' last night. We are now only 2 points adrift and with a match in hand. Danny Griffiths made his seasonal Fenton debut on board 1 and was the first to finish with an excellent win with the black pieces, playing the Scandinavian Defence. Mike played the Grand Prix attack against the Sicilian on board 2 and managed to bungle a Knight and a pawn in his first dozen moves. He followed this up by sacrificing a Bishop in an attempt to expose his opponent's King. He claims that this was all planned and that he'd put his 'Derring Do' cap on. At any rate he found a combination of moves to win his opponent's Queen, followed by a Knight and shortly after by a Rook. With the opposing King in the middle of the board, and totally unprotected, a Queen check won another Rook and resignation followed. If only he recorded his moves he could have won a brilliancy prize !! Ernie had an easy win on board 3 against a Cheddleton junior and Robert agreed a draw against another Cheddleton junior on board 4, although a win was there for the taking if he'd played on. Click here to view the full match score card.