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Fenton Into Semi-Final Of Withnall Cup
Everybody arrived at the Longton WMC last night for our Withnall County Cup match against Newcastle to find it's doors closed. Apparently this was something to do with the licensing of the bar and should be resolved this week. Fortunately we were able to move the match to Newcastle's venue but the late start meant that the match was played over 4 boards instead of 5 because one of the players was unable to stay late. It was therefore agreed that both clubs would default the bottom board. Fenton put on a tremendous performance on the night. Despite being outgraded on every board we came away with a 2.5 - 1.5 win against the current holders of the trophy to put ourselves into the Semi-Final, where we will meet Walsall Kipping. Wins for Derek on board 3 and Ernie on board 4, coupled with a draw from Mike on board 1, saw us safely through. You can click here to view the full match score card.