Another Draw For The 'C' Team

The 'C' team drew their second Division 5 match in succession last night, being held 2 - 2 by a much lower graded Meir 'C' team. Joe's game was the first to finish, unfortunately not in his favour, to put us one down. Mike then overlooked winning a pawn in the endgame, which would have given him an almost certain win, before the game petered out into a draw. Geoff had the most eventful game of the evening which at several points he looked like losing, then several more points where he looked like winning, before his game also ended drawn. It was then left to Ernie to salvage a point from the match with a well played endgame. With Ernie holding a pawn advantage, and with 2 passed Queen side pawns, his opponent ran out of time, Ernie ran out the winner and the match ended at 2 - 2. You can click here to view the full match score card.