Newcastle Rapidplay Jamboree

Fenton 'B' were joint winners of the U130 Section, along with Holmes Chapel, in last night's Rapidplay Jamboree. We only dropped 2 points to finish on 6/8. Special mention must go to Jason Plant and Robert West who were unbeaten on the night, both of them scoring 2 wins from their 2 games. 

The No Hopers put in their expected dismal performance to finish in 7th place with a paltry 2.5 points. However, there was a great performance by Steven Walley who was unbeaten on the night, with a win and a draw from his 2 games.

The 'A' team finished joint 4th in the Open Section with 3.5 points. Alex and Rob were unbeaten on the night, both of them scoring a win and a draw from their 2 games.

You can click here to view the full team results table and here to view the individual results.