Fenton Lift The Perry Trophy

Fenton took the first NSDCA Cup Final of the season with a 3 - 1 win against Newcastle in the Perry Trophy last night. Skippy got us off to a less than auspicious start by agreeing a draw on board 4 in a position that a blind man could have won - let alone a blind kangaroo !! Mike then put us in the lead with an excellent win on board 1. We then only needed half a point to ensure that we at least won the match on board count, but Derek on board 3 kept us all sweating, allowing his clock to run down to just over 3 minutes, before his opponent resigned when he was unable to stop a Pawn from Queening. At this point, with the outcome already decided, Robert agreed a draw on board 2 to give us the match 3 - 1. You can click here to view the full match score card.