Fenton Bow Out Of Intermediate Cup

Fenton made an early exit from the Intermediate Cup following a 4-1 defeat at Stafford last night. Geoff set the tone for the evening when he elected to not bother castling, preferring instead to gift his opponent a Bishop and a couple of Pawns !! Stuart had chances on Board 3 but, in the end, had to settle for a draw. Ernie looked like he was on top at one point on Board 4 but his game turned out to be like the weather - changeable !! - and he duly lost. Steven Walley, making his club debut on Board 5, put up a tremendous fight before going down. At one point he was a couple of Pawns to the good but inexperience finally let him down. However, it was an extremely creditable first performance. My game on Board 1 went right down to the last couple of minutes before a draw was agreed. You can click here to view the full score card.