Fenton 'B' Still Unbeaten In Division 4

Fenton 'B' just about managed to retain their unbeaten record in Division 4 last night with a 2 - 2 draw at Alsager 'D'. Minus Rob Taylor, who can't play on Tuesdays, we fielded a weaker than usual team. Geoff got us off to a flying start on Board 1 by losing his Queen on move 7 !! No prizes for guessing the result of that game. Stuart had a very tough game on Board 2. He was a pawn down and under pressure for most of the game but managed to sacrifice a Rook for a Knight and a Pawn and go into the endgame with Rook and Bishop against 2 Rooks and an equal number of pawns. With more time on his clock a draw looked the likely result. But time was something he didn't have and his flag fell. It was left to a Captain's performance by Derek on Board 3, backed up by an equally impressive win by Ernie on Board 4, to ensure that we came away with a point. You can click here to view the full match score card.