Fenton Lose Out In National Final

Fenton unluckily lost out in the Final of the National Minor Club Championship against Forest Of Dean on Sunday afternoon. The match itself ended all square at 2-2 but Forest Of Dean won it on board count. Derek Whitehurst got us off to a good start with a win on Board 4, closely followed by a draw on Board 2 for Derrick Wallace. Unfortunately yours truly cost Fenton the match when, having been under severe pressure for most of the game I squirmed my way out of trouble and won a Knight for a Pawn in the process. However, I then got over excited and blundered and lost a Rook and, a few moves later, the game. This left the score level at 1.5 - 1.5 and needing a win from Rob on Board 1 to give us the match. Unfortunately it wasn't to be as he was a Pawn down in an ending with Rook, Knight and 4 pawns against Rook, Knight and 5 Pawns. He had little option but to accept a draw and give Forest Of Dean the match. However, I think that we can all be very proud of the fact that we reached a National Final at the first time of asking so well done to everybody who took part in both the Final and the Pool stage of the competition. You can click here to view the full score card from the Final.