Fenton Into Final Of Jackson Cup

Fenton scraped into the Final of the Jackson Cup by the skin of their teeth last night. The match against Cannock was drawn 2.5 - 2.5 but we got through on board count, thanks to a last gasp win by Rob Taylor on Board 2 to pull the fat out of the fire. Two late withdrawals meant that we didn't have as strong a team as we would have liked but we got off to a flyer when Steve won his game on Board 3 fairly comfortably. This was followed by a draw on Board 1 for Derrick, putting us 1.5 - 0.5 in the lead. Unfortunately, Stuart and Mike on Boards 4 and 5 were struggling and both eventually lost, putting us 2.5 - 1.5 down and needing to win on Board 2 to tie the match and put us through on board count. Anything else and we were out of it. Rob was the hero of the night again, emerging from a difficult middle game unscathed and going on to win 2 pawns and eventually checkmating his opponent. We now play Lichfield in the Final on Wednesday 16th May at Stafford.