2 Monday Night Wins For Fenton

With the Sports & Social Club closed while they repair the boiler, Meir were kind enough to let us use their venue for both of our matches.

Unfortunately for Meir, we weren't so kind to them as we proceeded to beat them by 3-1 in the Semi-Final of the Perry Trophy. Neil continued his unbeaten start to the season with another win on Board 1. A win for Derek on Board 3, coupled with draws for Geoff and Pete on Boards 2 and 4 completed the Fenton scorers. Fenton will now meet either Cheddleton or Newcastle in the Final. Neal's game can be found on the Members Games page.

In Division 3, the 'B' team kept up the pressure at the top of the table with a 3-1 win against Newcastle 'D'. The match was a lot closer than the score suggests and we should probably have lost. Mundane draws for Rob and Steve left the match balanced at 1-1. Derrick's game looked drawn but his opponent went looking for a win and found a loss. This left us 2-1 up with only Jason to finish on Board 4. His position looked hopeless but his opponent blundered a piece away in time trouble and then saw his flag fall to leave Fenton as slightly lucky winners. They all count though so nobody is complaining !!